
Showing posts from 2017


MILES PAT is on the blog today! Miles is an undergraduate of University of Akwaibom. He is studying Marine Engineering,he is a lover of football and a Manchester united fan. He is the 3rd Child,a brother to Amanda Pat!! Miles is friendly social and his communication skill is 100%.. Miles told me few days ago he is hating on himself for becoming fat at least he was expecting his skinny body to remain forever. Among All he is a lover of Fashion  "I don't know how I feel each time I put on a cloth of my choice " a cloth that make me feel much better and complete,, wearing a nice cloth and giving it a nice combination is one thing I admire and love. One reason my Sister Amanda will always remain my role model.. Being Ugly or beautiful isn't the way forward, wearing nice outfits can beautify even one inner soul and this comes with passion.. I could remember when I used to struggle to put on a cloth,my sister will look at me and smile saying "you look so cute"


There are days i will just wakeup and have mode swing feel depressed and cry all within!!! There are challenges I face and get out of my life!! Some piece of my brain could burst and make me want to loose myself and the things I wanna do I could just wakeup and refuse to rely on the bad times This are things you can do to get through it FOCUS ON YOUR TOMORROW: Each time am depressed and I think about my future the things the future holds for me and the number of people I have inspired I hold back on myself!!!! I wipe my tears and focus more on my tomorrow because tears and depression doesn't change anything!! Rather tears bring weakness and weakness is a sign of failure! That will be the first symptom when failure want to pull ya "" Failure to me isn't when you fail* failure is when you finally give up on the things you want and who you wanna be""  LET GO OF YOUR PAST: The more you hold unto your past the more you feel unwanted unimportant and sa


Its been a while I posted on my blog I felt maybe I had given up on it but here we are all again!! There are many bloggers all over the world who go into fashion,lifestyle, comedy, gist etc but there are things you ought to do to gain many subscribers and followers CONTENT: Your blog post should be 100% cool for your readers and followers depending on what you blog about!! As a fashion blogger you should focus on how you style your clothes and everything about fashion Being a blogger is difficult but not very difficult but getting a blog post is the most difficult and that is the essential thing as a blogger!!! You have to put up contents that fits into what you want to publish and it will as well attract more subscribers PICTURE QUALITY: Your photographer defines your picture and how you edit your pictures!! You may likely wear a cool cloth but if your photographer and his or her camera is low and poor might turn out to give ya poor and low photos not minding how cool you


As an adult have learnt to be dependent! Have learnt to rely on myself! Have learnt that am the best! When I was growing as a teenager I had always wish to be a runway model because I liked models their height body and attitude! I kept growing to an extent that I realize I wasn't growing taller anymore! I ate all the light food I could do all the exercise and still hope on growing taller(I loved tall people naturally) everyone told me I can't be a runway model I can't go into pageantry and it just wouldn't workout even when I got the attitude  Some days I will just wish things could change but it wasn't working anymore and I stopped growing tall completely! My kid brothers grew even taller and taller that people made me feel I was so small because of my nature! Yes I always feel bad alot but I refuse to settle for such  I didn't feel bad because of everything around me I only felt to realize my true worth! That I am a way better if I go into something diff
 I have really missed making my blog post* because of some stress! And alot but I do apologize in between... I just love this check gown because its too perfect have always want to own it*** don't tell me I look like a school girl... Life keep throwing stones How did I get myself back? By seeing beyond today there are so many challenges we come across! Even our daily meal and survival is getting worst! Refuse it like yesterday wasnt there! You know what you can do and how to handle it better!! Being a blogger is more stressful I may say but when passion is applied everything moves smoothly Think outside the box Be different from everyone You can get idea from someone and make it better that will give ya the best you always wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the more reason you shouldn't live in competition the more reason you believe in yourself than everyone* don't fail to try and even when you fail keep trying


I think this gown is my favourite! When I was a little girl I never had passion for designing neither did I ever dream of reading Agricultural Science in school. All I ever wanted was to be a medical doctor or an athlete because football was my thing and is still my hobby being a Manchester fan is just something that has been! Its a thing of joy to me. Ye! I divert from studying medicine and surgery when I tried to gain admission for several years and it didn't work out! I didn't realise I was actually wasting my years. I could recall when I was admitted into Human Anatomy and I declined because it was medicine and surgery that I always carve for not realizing that wasn't my line although! My parent felt I became a dump all of a sudden because I wasn't bad during my secondary school days but they couldn't see beyond. I took a pre-degree form studied for 1year to my luck I was admitted into Agricultural science* I won't say am too good in school but am not too


I opened a blog because I needed an avenue where people can easily find what I do and share their ideas! And even when I know am still growing I get an innermost joy opening my site and seeing my designs When people tell me about my blog and some of my designs it makes me smile because its everything I had always long for Passion is everything when you do anything you engage yourself with passion you fall in love with it even before you could realize you've already gotten to perfection and how will this happen? When you keep doing them Designing and blogging is a way too stressful if one doesn't have a deep passion for it! One might give up easily because you have to be dedicated. I thought about the next dress You might just wakeup and put up a design on your book because even when I want to do that I leave my eraser aside so any mistake I make I create something outta it* That's how I create new things Among everything have engage myself designing is what
* Everyday I learn from myself! A day without a lesson is a total waste to me* And I learnt this today putting your problem first is the biggest setback and downfall in life. Considering the bad side first won't even give you the urge of penetrating! And its the biggest instrument to tarminate your goals  Out of stress ,finance and life itself I concluded within me that I want to give up on blogging ( because sharing dreams could bring discouragement so I keep mine within) and at that point I gave up gradually. A friend introduce a nice business to me and ask we should embark on it maybe it could be more of advantage and less of stress to me and gaining fast will be a greater chance. I thought about it deeply and feel in love with the idea. She mentioned TIME DEDICATION QUALITY Of PRODUCT and CAPITAL then stress intact I extended my mind and saw that in everything you gotta do you will still need these things so much QUALITY TIME: In as much as you want to be a successful
 My kid sister gave me this pink sweat shirt and I thought about how I could impress her! She learnt about my fashion blog and design and gave me the cloth and glasses my mum bought for her.  I wanted to impress her I decided to take photos with the cloth! When I brought the pictures back home she smiled uncontrollably and promise to deal with fashion deeply. Am still thinking about making a blog for her I believe she will make a good fashion girlie.  I so much believe in fashion and being the best! I believe she has perceive even the best of me! She encouraged me so much I told her I wanted to stop blogging and she told me am her model already! If there is anybody she learn fashion from is me even when she cant show it off for now. ( If this is me as an insider do you know the no of people you inspire) she said! It melt my heart. No plans of giving up anymore! The tips I got from her educated my whole life. She even told me to get more creative and different. I should cha
You may not be the best or completely perfect You may not bubble You may not even fight for the best designer or blogger but GRACE of being the chosen one can give ya the best. What have learnt so far is one giving the spotlight always! If designing is what you are into just be creative don't make sense because that's what you may definitely feel that might be someone's best. Give it different and unique

AnKaRa SkIrt

I had always wish to be a blogger and designer but I had challenges with myself I wouldn't call that self low esteem or low self worth. I thought about starting it and where I will start from I choose to start with sketching I will sketch every little design I had in mind and work towards it I believe alot in myself and could possibly make some design with thread and needle handling a machine will be no exception of the best that was the believe I had. And its working perfectly  You can't wake up from nowhere no matter how poor the start maybe just keep pushing ahead till you hit perfection