As an adult have learnt to be dependent! Have learnt to rely on myself! Have learnt that am the best! When I was growing as a teenager I had always wish to be a runway model because I liked models their height body and attitude! I kept growing to an extent that I realize I wasn't growing taller anymore! I ate all the light food I could do all the exercise and still hope on growing taller(I loved tall people naturally) everyone told me I can't be a runway model I can't go into pageantry and it just wouldn't workout even when I got the attitude
 Some days I will just wish things could change but it wasn't working anymore and I stopped growing tall completely! My kid brothers grew even taller and taller that people made me feel I was so small because of my nature! Yes I always feel bad alot but I refuse to settle for such

 I didn't feel bad because of everything around me I only felt to realize my true worth! That I am a way better if I go into something different if I change my plans and if only I work towards what I want

 I went into designing because it was something I liked too! I was encouraged to open a blog that it will help and build me and my carrier!! My first blog post was kinda encouraging and I felt happy and motivated! My second blog post views wasn't what I expected so I felt a little bad and discouraged! My third blog post was cool so I became happy as I kept blogging I noticed that there is alot more to success
Some days it really work out and other days it remain normal.  This isn't a sign that you aren't growing or doing better* you just need to do your best so you can keep going

 In between have learnt never to feel bad or inferior
Never to compare 
To always keep creativity intact
And never to give up no matter the cost
Even when I couldn't be a runway model but I believe am someone's role model
I am my model because I put up my designs and model for myself
Life has a way of linking us to our dream


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