* Everyday I learn from myself! A day without a lesson is a total waste to me* And I learnt this today putting your problem first is the biggest setback and downfall in life. Considering the bad side first won't even give you the urge of penetrating! And its the biggest instrument to tarminate your goals 

Out of stress ,finance and life itself I concluded within me that I want to give up on blogging ( because sharing dreams could bring discouragement so I keep mine within) and at that point I gave up gradually. A friend introduce a nice business to me and ask we should embark on it maybe it could be more of advantage and less of stress to me and gaining fast will be a greater chance. I thought about it deeply and feel in love with the idea. She mentioned TIME DEDICATION QUALITY Of PRODUCT and CAPITAL then stress intact

I extended my mind and saw that in everything you gotta do you will still need these things so much
QUALITY TIME: In as much as you want to be a successful blogger you need time, you have to give a lot of time
DEDICATION: You have to be dedicated you have to make it a priority you have to keep some unnecessary things beside and work on your blog or business deeply

CREATIVY: Its the most important of all! You have to be extra creative and this wil attractive alot of audience* you have to think outside the box! As a fashion blogger make some sort of meaningless wears if you are a designer and in the long run people may like but it should be unique* creativity makes one abstract makes one different in every aspect of life

God: You have to believe in him


  1. If we want to succeed we have to be dedicated to "whatever" it is we are doing...
    Nice one sis


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