
Showing posts from August, 2017


I think this gown is my favourite! When I was a little girl I never had passion for designing neither did I ever dream of reading Agricultural Science in school. All I ever wanted was to be a medical doctor or an athlete because football was my thing and is still my hobby being a Manchester fan is just something that has been! Its a thing of joy to me. Ye! I divert from studying medicine and surgery when I tried to gain admission for several years and it didn't work out! I didn't realise I was actually wasting my years. I could recall when I was admitted into Human Anatomy and I declined because it was medicine and surgery that I always carve for not realizing that wasn't my line although! My parent felt I became a dump all of a sudden because I wasn't bad during my secondary school days but they couldn't see beyond. I took a pre-degree form studied for 1year to my luck I was admitted into Agricultural science* I won't say am too good in school but am not too


I opened a blog because I needed an avenue where people can easily find what I do and share their ideas! And even when I know am still growing I get an innermost joy opening my site and seeing my designs When people tell me about my blog and some of my designs it makes me smile because its everything I had always long for Passion is everything when you do anything you engage yourself with passion you fall in love with it even before you could realize you've already gotten to perfection and how will this happen? When you keep doing them Designing and blogging is a way too stressful if one doesn't have a deep passion for it! One might give up easily because you have to be dedicated. I thought about the next dress You might just wakeup and put up a design on your book because even when I want to do that I leave my eraser aside so any mistake I make I create something outta it* That's how I create new things Among everything have engage myself designing is what
* Everyday I learn from myself! A day without a lesson is a total waste to me* And I learnt this today putting your problem first is the biggest setback and downfall in life. Considering the bad side first won't even give you the urge of penetrating! And its the biggest instrument to tarminate your goals  Out of stress ,finance and life itself I concluded within me that I want to give up on blogging ( because sharing dreams could bring discouragement so I keep mine within) and at that point I gave up gradually. A friend introduce a nice business to me and ask we should embark on it maybe it could be more of advantage and less of stress to me and gaining fast will be a greater chance. I thought about it deeply and feel in love with the idea. She mentioned TIME DEDICATION QUALITY Of PRODUCT and CAPITAL then stress intact I extended my mind and saw that in everything you gotta do you will still need these things so much QUALITY TIME: In as much as you want to be a successful