
Showing posts from July, 2017
 My kid sister gave me this pink sweat shirt and I thought about how I could impress her! She learnt about my fashion blog and design and gave me the cloth and glasses my mum bought for her.  I wanted to impress her I decided to take photos with the cloth! When I brought the pictures back home she smiled uncontrollably and promise to deal with fashion deeply. Am still thinking about making a blog for her I believe she will make a good fashion girlie.  I so much believe in fashion and being the best! I believe she has perceive even the best of me! She encouraged me so much I told her I wanted to stop blogging and she told me am her model already! If there is anybody she learn fashion from is me even when she cant show it off for now. ( If this is me as an insider do you know the no of people you inspire) she said! It melt my heart. No plans of giving up anymore! The tips I got from her educated my whole life. She even told me to get more creative and different. I should cha
You may not be the best or completely perfect You may not bubble You may not even fight for the best designer or blogger but GRACE of being the chosen one can give ya the best. What have learnt so far is one giving the spotlight always! If designing is what you are into just be creative don't make sense because that's what you may definitely feel that might be someone's best. Give it different and unique

AnKaRa SkIrt

I had always wish to be a blogger and designer but I had challenges with myself I wouldn't call that self low esteem or low self worth. I thought about starting it and where I will start from I choose to start with sketching I will sketch every little design I had in mind and work towards it I believe alot in myself and could possibly make some design with thread and needle handling a machine will be no exception of the best that was the believe I had. And its working perfectly  You can't wake up from nowhere no matter how poor the start maybe just keep pushing ahead till you hit perfection